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Fresh Clean Tunes (September 2021)


At Fresh Clean Tees, we have a good time, even though there’s always work to be done. We pulled off a fair amount of exciting things throughout September, and it was made all the easier, better, and more fun with mood-boosting moves like drinking endless amounts of cold brew, filming goofy TikToks for our ever-growing channel, and listening to catchy songs to keep our creative rhythm. As we do every month, we decided to recap the last few weeks with what we’ve done and what we’ve been listening to while doing it.

We launched our Fall Collection.

From new cool, comfy styles to deep, rich colors (Emerald, Olive, Slate, and Twilight), our 2021 Fall Collection had everything you need for breezy, brisk days and chill, cozy nights ahead. Check out our awesome lineup of new goods and timeless favorites in this year’s Fall Collection!

We threw a big Labor Day sale.

When it comes to three-day weekends, it just makes sense for people to lounge a little cozier, chill a little harder, and shop online a little more. Seriously, who doesn’t love a bit of extra dopamine when it comes to a day off attached to a weekend? So we took 20% off our catalog across the entire site! That way, the FreshFam could scoop a few extra items for their wardrobe to prep for the brisker days and colder nights ahead.

We launched Fresh Clean Socks 2.0.

Our crew socks were such a hit earlier this year that we made them even softer and more durable, and we also figured it was time to add some already beloved colors — Garnet, Military, Navy, and Wedgewood (in addition to the timeless standbys of black and white). Plus, we launched the brand-new product of ankle socks!

We dropped new long sleeves.

Our long sleeve crew neck t-shirts are naturally getting to be more popular these days, given the declining temperatures and increasing need for all-out comfort. So it was definitely time for us to include fan-favorite colors Garnet and Wedgewood. Grab your Garnet Long Sleeve Tee and Wedgewood Long Sleeve Tee, and then spend all of fall strutting around like dapperly dressed royalty.

We listened to jams.

When it came to music, whether it was over office speakers or in our headphones, we were digging on groovy hits like Betty Wright's "Shoo-Rah! Shoo-Rah!" and The Emotions' "Best Of My Love, longtime alternative favorites like Wilco’s “Heavy Metal Drummer” and LCD Soundsystem’s “Someone Great,” and mellow jazzy tunes like Norah Jones's "Something Is Calling You" and "Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass's "Ladyfingers." Check out this month’s lineup of crankage!

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