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November Colors 2020 | Fresh Clean Tees


Hey FreshFam! Anyone else feel like 2020 is flying by? Because it’s November now if you didn’t know. Yeah, NOVEMBER... wasn’t it just March? Guess that’s what happens when a global pandemic hits. 

Anyway, it’s November now, and we’ve got a lot of cool stuff coming up. November is Fresh Clean Tees' birth month and we’re turning 5 this year! That’s right, half a decade slingin’ tees for our amazing FreshFam. Then of course, November 3rd is election day, make sure you go and vote! It’s also national sandwich day, so that’s kinda cool. And of course November wouldn’t be November without Thanksgiving, and a personal favorite of ours, Black Friday. Like we said, lot’s to look forward to in November, including our new November 3-Packs, featuring a brand new color! 

Our Basic 3-Pack this month is Black and White bundled with Heather Grey. Heather is a classic basic and a go-to for your casual outfits. 

This month’s Foundation 3-Pack is Black and White bundled with a fall favorite, Clay

Our Bold 3-Pack this month includes Black, Emerald and our newest color Periwinkle.

Have you been tagging us or using our hashtags #FRESHCLEANTEES and#FRESHFAM on Instagram? We're giving away free gear monthly, and you need to be in it to win it, so let's get trending, shall we?

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