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March Colors 2022


Spring is about to spring, baby! We've had plenty of cool days and chilly nights, and we're suuuuper ready to bound into springtime for park picnics and bar patios. We're on the verge of beach days, bonfire nights, and weekend getaways that include shorts. We're talkin' flower blooms, backyard lounges, and our wonderfully timed, perfectly named new color — Ivy!

Scoop Ivy with long-time faves Wedgewood and Heather Grey in this month’s Bold 3-Pack.

Grab Ivy with forever standbys of Black and White in this month’s Foundation 3-Pack.

Stick with the classics of Black, White, and Heather Grey in this month’s Basic 3-Pack.

Bold 3-Pack | Fresh Clean Tees

Treat yourself to the Bold 3-Pack.

Foundation 3-Pack | Fresh Clean Tees

Treat yourself to the Foundation 3-Pack.

Basic 3-Pack | Fresh Clean Tees

Treat yourself to the Basic 3-Pack.

Let the Fresh Fam see how you look in these shirts! Tag Fresh Clean Tees on Instagram or use our hashtags #FreshCleanTees and #FreshFam.

— Jake Kilroy

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