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It's hard to get into the mind of a skydiver, because, let's face it most of us are too effing scared to even consider jumping out of a plane at 10,000 feet. However, if you could get into the mind of one hundred skydivers we'd bet the majority of them would say the experience is not so much about conquering fear but is more about the desire to "live in the moment."

Brett Taylor, a young freelance videographer embodies that spirit and knows all about living in the moment. Originally from Monterey, California, Brett moved to Pacific Beach, a small but awesome (we're biased) San Diego beach town to pursue his dreams of being a photographer/videographer.  

Brett Taylor -- Fresh Clean Tees

Skydiving started as an escape for Brett while he was working a 9-to-5 sales job back in Monterey, and ultimately became the driving factor that pushed him to step away from the grind and pursue his true passion in life. Today, Brett is thriving in Pacific Beach with a number of clients that he works with to help tell their stories through film. 

"Your life begins the moment you step outside of your comfort zone," Brett believes, and we totally agree. Taking risks and living in the moment may not always be the easy choice, but sometimes in order to get what you want out of life, you need to be willing to step out that door and into the great unknown.

Check out Episode 2 of our Fresh Perspective series with Brett Taylor on our Youtube channel, or on IGTV

Brett is wearing our super comfy 100% cotton Heather Grey Long Sleeve Tee. Check 'em out for yourself here!

Brett Taylor Heather Grey Long Sleeve Tee

Know of someone who has a Fresh Perspective on life? Shoot us an email or slide into our DMs on Insta!  

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