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Fresh Clean Tees November 2019 Colors


You know that feeling you have at the beginning of the year when you have all these goals you want to achieve and resolutions you're planning to keep? Well, that time of the year is definitely long, long gone -- and instead, we've got November. November is the month when you're like "oh, that resolution that I had to not order pizza three times a week? Yea, that doesn't apply to November, right?" Anyway, we digress. There is still plenty to excited about during November (see the note about ordering pizza three times in one week). Our Black Friday sale is also something to get pumped for. You'll have to stay tuned and be patient, but we promise you won't be disappointed.

As for our member's only 3-packs that will be shipping in November, our Foundation 3-pack is perfect for winter featuring the always popular Black and White tee and adding in our Chocolate tee. The earth tones are super popular right now so that Chocolate tee will look great paired with jeans and some nice boots. 

Our Bold 3-pack gets you a good mix of bright and cheery with our Mint tee, alongside our Stone tee. If you're getting crew necks you'll get Cardinal and if you're getting v-necks you'll get Red. These three tees will be great for holiday parties or everyday adventures. 

Fresh Clean Tees November ColorsFresh Clean Tees November ColorsFresh Clean Tees November ColorsFresh Clean Tees November ColorsFresh Clean Tees November Colors

Have you been tagging us or using our hashtags #FRESHCLEANTEES and#FRESHFAM on Instagram? We're giving away free gear monthly, and you need to be in it to win it, so let's get trending, shall we?

Also, make sure to double-check your account to make sure you've selected the pack you want this month. 

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