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Fresh Clean Tees August 2019 Colors


Hey yo, #FreshFam! We hope you're having an absolute banger of a summer so far filled with friends, family, laughs, beach days, and more. Here at the Fresh Clean Tees HQ, we can tell you for sure we've been loving summer so far! 

With the calendar turning from July to August it's time to get ready for our Member's Only August 3-packs and 5-packs. If you didn't get one of our all-new Brick Fresh Clean Tees last month, you can get one this month with our Foundation 3-pack. Our Bold 3-pack in August gets you our top-selling Navy tee paired with an Apple tee shirt and a perfect earthy Sand tee that'll enhance that summer tan of yours! 

We're also rotating fresh colors into our Bold 5-pack and our Foundation 5-pack, so if you need to stock up -- be sure to have a look! 

August Fresh Clean Tees ColorsAugust Fresh Clean Tees ColorsAugust Fresh Clean Tees ColorsAugust Fresh Clean Tees Colors

August Fresh Clean Tees Colors August Fresh Clean Tees Colors

August Fresh Clean Tees Colors

Have you been tagging us or using our hashtags #FRESHCLEANTEES and#FRESHFAM on Instagram? We're giving away free gear monthly, and you need to be in it to win it, so let's get trending, shall we?

Also, make sure to double-check your account to make sure you've selected the pack you want this month. Enjoy the rest of your summer! 

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