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April Colors 2021 | Fresh Clean Tees


Things are looking up! The sun’s out, flowers are blooming, and, hey, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel after a very strange year. Our team is spending more time outdoors and feeling our best, so we figured our packs should reflect that energy. Thus, we'd like to introduce you to our new color — Shine.

You’ll find Shine alongside Amethyst and Silver Strand in this month's Bold 3-Pack, and you'll see Shine teaming up with the classic duo of Black and White in our Foundation 3-Pack. In this month's Basic 3-Pack, we're keeping things chill with Black, White, and Charcoal.

Have you been tagging us on Instagram or using our hashtags #FreshCleanTees and #FreshFam? We're giving away free gear each month and you need to be in it to win it!

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